Pandemic Fashion Shoot
A few shots from the other night.
I love meeting new people and equally love styling and taking peoples portraits its one of my favorite creative outlets. Growing up in Santa Cruz I used to photograph allot of bands and in high school had my own little darkroom to process my own film and prints. My high school and community college also had amazing facilities that I had access too.
I just recently found a place in LA that you can rent darkroom time so was thinking about going through old negatives and create some new ones to print.
Processing photographic images is a little bit like magic and really strangely kind of mentally cathartic. Although, in my opinion most creative process is.
I have no interest in creating images for any other reason but creative process. Ive only taken a few commission jobs over the past few years for friends and for Artist portrait press release use. If I were to take on photography as a commercial enterprise I would only want to do artist portrait or environmental portraits. Who knows maybe I’ll do that someday.

In any case about this image @stevieraquel who is the subject ,contacted me a while back about doing a shoot when she was her in Los Angeles for her Job.

Time happened to work out for both of us and she and her boss came to my studio for a quick one look session. I personally just do not like really long photoshoots. Generally the longest I’ll shoot for is about four hours max.

At the end of the shoot Stevie told me she had been a fan of and following my work since was 11. Honestly this bit of information made my week. Thank you so much Stevie and everyone else out there who has followed my work and supported me over the last 17 years. We artists love to hear stories like this. Please never be shy in telling someone you appreciate the work they are doing. Speaking for myself I have made allot of sacrifices and quite literally have suffered to continue working towards constant evolution in sewing, learning and moving forward. Just hearing a bit of positive feedback often feels very rewarding.

I hope you all are navigating our current world, being a recluse Ive been okay but miss people and have allot of hard days which Im sure many of you can relate to.

Little happiness like making art and doing creative photography are mind savers.
So much love and my constant affection to all of you out there.
Yours, Jessica Louise