I love photography as a medium of expression and really find it interesting to look at an image and get a glimpse of the personality that is behind the image. I especially am drawn to narrative or portrait photography. At times I’ve looked at an image and imagined the storyline in my head.
I met Kalie on social media, specifically instagram and instantly loved her feminine vintage photography style, It reminded me a little bit of some of my favorite French 60s starlets and chanteuses. Soft light, color palate and subject matter all caught my eye in Kalie’s work and I just wanted to share her with you.

Name or Professional Moniker Cosmic Romantics
Website URL: http://Instagram.com/cosmic.romantics

Do you have anything upcoming you would like to talk about?
I’m currently planning kitschy Whimsical Christmas photos!
I adore the season and am just working out some details for set design now.
What or who inspired you to become an artist? So many things! Mostly classic films (especially low budget ones!) There is just something so charming about creating a scene and capturing it in photos or film. Photo coloring I would say my inspirations mostly come from The Wizard of Oz, Babes in Toyland and What a Way to Go! |

What do you think the next evolution in your style with be?
My photography has been very whimsical and bubbly, lately I see myself going more towards dramatic lighting and darker imagery.
Do you have any classic training in your creative field or are you self taught?
A little bit of both!
I’m mostly self taught but have also attended 2 semesters of photo class just to understand the technical terms behind photography.

Do you have any personal projects you work on just for your own happiness?(Art or Non Art related)
I’m always working on personal projects to keep myself sane.
Mostly self portraits but I also love painting and crafting.
Recently I’ve joined my husbands band as the bass player so that keeps me quite busy as well!
Do you have a routine before you sit down and start working on a new piece or body of work? And If you do could you describe your process?
Usually finding inspiration and making sure my mind is in the right place to give it my all.
I will usually watch a film or look for photo inspirations and play some music that would be sort of the soundtrack for the image I’m creating.
What makes you counter productive?
I would say having ideas that require more than what my resources can provide me.
I have big ideas but need to make it work on a budget!

Do you have any favorite muses? This is a tough one as I am inspired by so many people. I adore the look of Hitchcock films, the style of Ana Karina, and the colorized world of the 60s. |

Do you have a favorite podcast or playlist you listen to while working?
It depends on what I’m working on.
I’m usually listening to Frank Sinatra if I’m editing photos.
His voice feels like home to me.

Anything else you would like to share?
Advice to any artists, don’t be concerned with the opinions of others.
Art is an expression of yourself and you are the only one able to judge it.
Please visit Cosmic Romantics and if you need and amazing portrait by an inspired artist hire her, she is based in the Los Angeles area.