by J.L

Jessica Louise Cupcake Punk Editor

Cupcake Punk is the term I have used to describe my fashion brand for over a decade, bright colorful with a bit of a punk rock aesthetic.

I have always strived to create in ways that make me personally fulfilled, which generally leads to a more happy positive me. Being a creative has saved my life ,mind and heart more times than I care to count. And For the past twelve years or so I have focused on singlehandedly building my brand Jessica Louise. Which I have had beyond amazing support from my fans and clients, I could not be more grateful and humble by that fact. I am and will continue to be passionate about the world I’ve created with Jessica Louise, however I needed to branch out and work on something that’s not just about myself and my brand. Because in a world of the me generation constantly focusing on and promoting myself is tedious and I cant stand it. I do realize that currently this site is also mainly about myself and interests I expect it will become more.

I would love contributors with all view points and back rounds. Diversity is the spice of life after all.

I hope to make Cupcake Punk an interesting blog zine that features creative people and focuses on a wide range of interests and topics. Any feedback, suggestions,or submissions for stories or features are welcome.

Please feel free to contact submit@cupcakepunk.com any time.

All the very Best,
Jessica Thompson
Editor, Cupcake Punk

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